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RSDS: What answers do doctors really have?

October 1, 2010

Re: Is there a cure for RSDS? Yes. I’ve either found a cure for RSD, or doctors need to learn from sufferers like me about what helps, figure out why these things work and expand upon the knowledge until there is a definitive cure for RSDS. First though, doctors need to actually be looking for the cure for RSDS. Those of us suffering from its symptoms need to be our own best advocates for finding the cure.


Like they did with Diabetes and many other diseases, Western medicine/American doctors can’t even agree on what diseases are real and what aren’t. It’s interesting that there is skepticism about whether people’s symptoms are real or not. Here’s an idea, if a patient tells you something and then another and another and they’re all talking about a specific set of symptoms, there’s a problem! Wake up.

I am so tired of doctors assuming symptoms are in the heads of their patients. If they’re right and hundreds of thousands (at least) of us with a specific set of similar symptoms collectively worked together to make this up then we’ve got some wild conspiracy going on and way too much time on our hands. I suppose we should all just either go to the “nut house” or “forget” about the pain and it won’t be there anymore.

Can you imagine they actually used to tell people with Diabetes that too? They used to commit people with diseases they didn’t understand, like Diabetes, to insane asylums. Now they tell you they don’t know what’s wrong with you and either give you some awfully destructive pain medicine to “shut you up.” Or, they give you an anti-depressant. Wait a minute, they do both these for RSDS/CPRS! Instead of trying to actually heal it, they “shut us up” and “shut us down” from our families, jobs, one another– we basically become isolated.

Some reach out in touching treatment chronicles from their homes; others suffer in isolation, their souls withering. Where’s the empowerment? Instead of saying there’s NO cure, or even saying there’s no “known” cure, they should be saying to patients, “We know there’s a cure; we just haven’t found it yet.” There’s a cure for everything, somewhere. You either look for it or you don’t.

Anyway, I think that doctors choose not to believe their patients because it’s easier for them. Doctors, like many scientists, study a lot of books and then seem to develop a “God complex.” If they don’t know what it is then your pain couldn’t be real, or at least not based on a physical problem. It’s like saying that because you haven’t seen an alien, life can’t exist anywhere else. Or, it can’t exist because the conditions for life here on Earth are so unique that there’s almost no chance they could exist anywhere else– hence life only exists on our planet. Lovely logic!

First of all, they’re assuming that humans and the life forms that exist on our planet are the only possible types of life forms. How human-centric of us! That’s outrageous. Life is energy and there are many forms that energy can exist in. So, there are many possible places life can exist in another form–like dimensions we’re unaware of. My goodness, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist…whoops, that’s funny.

You know the wind is real because you feel its power and energy. If another form of life came here perhaps we wouldn’t even be able to feel them– much like the way we can’t hear a dog whistle, but dogs certainly can.

Scientists and doctors like to put things–everything– in a box. They’re not the only ones. The rest of us humans do it too. We’re all guilty of forming prejudicial “boxes” that become mind blocks. It gives us a way to view our world. We force fit everything into the box we feel it belongs in, even if we have to twist the truth about it to satisfy the needs of the box.

In college I had a professor of biology who vehemently believed–and we argued about it during my sophomore year– that life couldn’t exist anywhere else but on earth because the probability for favorable conditions elsewhere was much too low. More than fifteen years later his theory seems less likely than mine, according to newer evidence. He wasn’t able to just be at peace with– I wasn’t expecting him to say “Yes, there’s life elsewhere”– the mere IDEA that it WAS possible. He couldn’t wrap his brain around it and leave the door open. That would put into question too many ideas he’d neatly wrapped and placed into the box with it.

This is exactly the mindset that those of us suffering from RSDS, or CPRS have to tolerate every time we talk about our symptoms to doctors. We have to risk that –although they don’t know enough about the body or how it works to know for sure about much– they may or may not believe us. They may put us in the “crazy” box.

Why should I have to care if doctors believe me or not? If I am a sane person with symptoms, then I have what I say I have and it’s their job to just look for a damn cure, right?

We go in and we’re like “guilty” of creating pain with our minds because they lack the necessary information to interpret and deal with the disease and its symptoms. If they don’t know then they banned together and decide nobody could know and no one else can do anything about it, so collectively they’re off the proverbial hook. After all, they’re so much more educated and so much brighter than the rest of us that we’re at their mercy, right?

Wrong! I became skeptical of doctors a long time ago. Now every day I see how they’ve developed into drug pushers and it confirms they are less and less worthy of the title doctor. What the hell have the trillions of research dollars spent over more than a hundred years really cured? Have they even begun trying to find a cure for RSDS? What about all that so-called breast cancer research they’ve been doing and spending millions a year promoting with heart-tugging commercials? It’s a freaking business now. Don’t even get me started on that money-making farse.

Keep this in mind, it isn’t a disease until they can find a way–not to cure it– but to make money off treating it!!!! And, get you sick with something else from the drug they develop for it.

This blog is honest, straight forward and expects that its readers are ready to take charge of their own healing and stop listening to everyone else tell them what they are and are not feeling, what’s wrong and what’s just in their heads. It’s not in your freaking head, but you can stop the symptoms if you free your mind of the gibberish and make a choice to do something that, even if it doesn’t work, won’t do anything but nourish some other part of your body anyway.

If you’re ready to take charge of your own healing– and unlike so many others, I’m not making ONE single penny through or by anything related to this blog– then make a choice to empower yourself and stop saying “there’s no cure” when you have absolutely NO idea whether there’s a cure or not for RSDS. Doctors don’t believe you, I do because I have your symptoms.

It takes thinking outside the box to get a revolutionary idea. It takes ACTING outside the box and expecting positive change to find a miracle! I did and I have, twice.

Try Nutritional Response Testing by an “ACT” certified practitioner (usually chiropractor) near you! Follow their instructions to the letter, even though it will likely seem out of the ordinary and even really odd, strange or crazy. They know what they’re doing. If it doesn’t change your life within a month or two, stop. There are NO side effects. They use whole food vitamins and 100% natural supplements WITHOUT hormones, steroids, artificial ingredients, or anything else “bad” you can possibly imagine. It HEALS your body.

I know my RSDS symptoms are NOT in my head because I take the supplements the NRT practitioner gives me and they dissipate, then they all go away. It happens exactly the way Tylenol works when you take it– you have a headache and then its intensity is reduced from the pills. Then it usually all goes away. If I don’t take enough of the vitamins and supplements, then they come back little by little. When I take more, they all go away. Pretty simple. Pretty straight forward.

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