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RSDS: Living Pain Free without any drugs!

October 2, 2010

Here’s what I’m taking to get rid of the symptoms of RSD, aka RSDS or CPRS:

Hypothalamex, by Standard Process, Inc. (for patches of pain throughout body)

Thytrophin PMG, by Standard Process, Inc. (for patches of pain throughout body)

Utrophin PMG by Standard Process, Inc. (for patches of pain throughout body)

Adrenal (Ga) by Systemic Formulas, Bio Function (for patches of pain throughout body)

Organically Bound Minerals by Standard Process, Inc. (for burning skin AND hair loss [my hair actually grew back quickly and just as thick as before])

Calcium Lactate (for burning skin AND hair loss [my hair actually grew back quickly and just as thick as before])

Zypan (for maximum absorption of calcium)

Everyone would have their own specific necessary products and doses. Talk to a Nutritional Response Testing practitioner who is ACT certified (only them) and get pain and drug free while getting rid of the symptoms of your RSDS, CPRS, RSD today! To try it and determine if it works or not will likely cost $200 to $300.

The first hand-full of these that I took got rid of 100% of my Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome within one hour. I take a regimen of these and more every day. I can miss dosages now without the pain coming back. For the first year, approximately, I couldn’t do that. That makes me believe that actual healing is going on. Perhaps I will be cured. I really believe I have come across what will turn out to be a cure, not just remission of this disease for me.

3 Comments leave one →
  1. October 13, 2010 4:57 am

    If you don’t mind me asking the following, I am interested in what your pain management regime typically included prior to your success with NRT? This would better serve me in terms of getting a relateable baseline to compare with. I don’t suffer from RSD, my sister does. I can relate to her pain management issues very well so any info you provide would be a help. Also, what kind of pain level numbers would you estimate had prior and after NRT sucesss. I have done some reading in similar nutritial study’s and feel there are large gains to be made in reducing discomfort/imobility by implementing an optimum diet targeting RSD needs. Nutritian is too fundemental to the equation not to have a drastic affect at one level or another.
    Thanks in advance!

    • October 13, 2010 7:06 am

      Thank you for the comment and the questions, Shawn.
      Before I began the NRT regimen I had pain every day, all day. The level was, on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most possible pain, usually between a 7 and a 9. It made me suicidal. I would have killed myself if I didn’t find, by a sheer miracle, I feel, NRT. I am NOT religious, but I am spiritual. I had had the RSDS pain since about one month after my last car accident. At first it was just a couple times a week. Then it became more frequent and much more intense as the weeks and months passed. About five or so months in is when I was completely suicidal.
      The chiropractor I was seeing while away in Florida for work actually encouraged me to try NRT, as I had nothing to lose and he would only charge me $30 for the consultation. He immediately gave me the supplements, knowing how much pain I was in (they almost always wait until ones second visit).
      I went into the parking lot, got into my car. Took the pills and within a half an hour the pain began to dissipate. An hour later it was entirely GONE! I literally got down on my knees and thanked God and cried. They had saved my life. Since then, there have been two other times they’ve saved my life, as new symptoms developed and then were taken away exactly in the same fashion– with one dosage of the right combination of things. I write a lot about this in the blogs I have up already.
      NRT is relatively cheap to try, cannot do any harm whatsoever, and your sister should know if it helps within the first month or two, I think. I hadn’t had it terribly long, but it did progress and spread to my entire body quickly. My back injuries have not healed, so the fact that the NRT can help so much when the thing that triggers it continues to occur daily, is also a miracle, if you ask me.
      Feel free to ask me anything else, but with so much to gain and so little, if anything at all, to lose, this is really worth trying!!!!
      If she does try it, PLEASE let me know how it goes. Seriously, I don’t know anyone else in the whole world who’s doing this for RSDS and if we can figure out what it does for a few of us we can really do something major here to help others, I think. Wouldn’t that be incredible? There’s way too much pain with this disease.


  1. RSDS: Living Pain Free without any drugs! (via Is This The Cure For RSDS?) « Shawn's space

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