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RSDS: A week without symptoms!

November 1, 2010

Its been about a week since I’ve had pain patches or burning skin! I’m thrilled. I think that it has to be due to the NRT (Nutritional Response Testing) supplements, but also because I am increasing my dosages of and use of the homeopathic remedy I’m on– my constitutional remedy. They all seem to be working together, plus a good diet! Yippie!

RSDS: hysterical news about vitamins

October 18, 2010

On MSN’s front page online today this is one of their headlines:

The article is about how multivitamins aren’t really all that beneficial. They say that firstly they don’t prevent Cancer and heart attacks. Then they say that a “one size fits all” approach is not good because people have different vitamin needs and shortcomings (BTW, they also have differing ones on a day-by-day basis, iow, your vitamin needs and shortcomings change every day).

It’s funny to me that they never mention the types of vitamins they studied– as if all multivitamins are alike. I doubt they studied vitamins that are made out of real food. Did you know that Standard Process vitamins are one of only two or three brands in the U.S. that actually take food and shrink it– with all its enzymes and nutrients– down into a pill? That’s right, almost all vitamins are made in a laboratory. These synthetic vitamins are not recognized by your body because they fail to represent what the vitamin complex– with all parts necessary for proper absorption– looks like. Since the body cannot identify this foreign substance, in most cases you’ve wasted your money buying it because they body say “what is this? I don’t recognize it.” Then is proceeds to either flush it all out of your body, or even worse, store it as it does other toxins in your muscles and other body tissues. Is it any wonder then that the vitamins wouldn’t actually make you healthier?

Read more about synthetic vitamins on the Web site for Standard Process, Inc. at  And NO, I am not making one single penny promoting them. I owe them my life because the nutrition support they are giving me has saved my life and is, in conjunction with one non-standard product (an Adrenal gland supplement) eliminating my RSDS/CPRS/RSD pain and symptoms.

RSDS: I’m NOT a victim

October 17, 2010

I’m not a victim, I’m a survivor of RSDS! I will keep taking the vitamin and supplement regimen I’m on that’s taking away all my pain (when I stick to it and the diet like I’m supposed to) and I will cure the glands that are messed up and malfunctioning.

Doctors can tell you what they like, but my theory is that they’re only partially right and even they know that. My theory– well, it’s a combination of what Western medicine doctors and my Nutritional Response Testing (NRT) practitioner says– is that the nervous system is so overworked and firing off, or dispensing, all kinds of hormones left and right as a response to an injury that the glands (Hypothalamus, Thyroid and adrenal) literally get confused and begin misfiring. But, the confusion is also based on them being overloaded, like a circuit with too much power running through it.

I think that the vitamins and NRT regimen are helping the glands heal so they don’t have to misfire. I think this is working because I go longer in between taking my vitamins and supplements and SOMETIMES THE PAIN PATCHES ACTUALLY GO AWAY ON THEIR OWN NOW, WITHOUT THEM!!!

This is huge because six months ago I wouldn’t have dreamed it was possible for them to go away on their own–I always needed to immediately take the vitamins and supplements. My nervous system seems like it’s a computer attempting to reboot. So, I’ll keep doing my no-sugar diet and taking the regimen and I think in the next year or two the system will successfully reboot and be repaired. I will be cured of RSDS/CPRS/RSD! This is my hope, but also my belief.

RSDS relief for me means changing my diet

October 15, 2010

I’ve been on a no-sugar diet for more than a year now– except for the times I’ve cheated and I’ve paid dearly for that.

You know, as unfortunate as it is, what we eat actually does affect our bodies and how well they perform. Knowing this, and with great trepidation, I decided to try this difficult diet to see if it would help heal my back. You see, my back isn’t healing because my bladder isn’t well. There’s evidently some fungus in there and it’s been there wreaking havoc for a decade or more now. And, apparently there’s a link between the bladder and the lower back.

Sounds crazy, but looks like the Nutritional Response Testing (NRT) practitioner was right. Damn, I hate that because I don’t like this diet.

So, with all the negativity and denial aside, I went for it.

Turns out that when my bladder is better– I’m only peeing 1-3 times a night now, instead of 5-12– my back hurts MUCH less. And, that mean fewer bouts of RSDS WHEN I take my vitamins and supplements as I should in conjunction with the no-sugar diet.

It’s difficult doing all this, but now, on top off all that, I’m able to exercise some more. That also helps strengthen my back and diminishes the pain. All good stuff; so much work to attain.

There is no MAGIC pill. We all have to work to repair what damages we’ve done to our bodies. This means treating it with care, respect and giving it what it needs when it needs so it can do right by us in return. This is the element that traditional Western medicine often forgets. Diet is critical and so many of our body parts are connected in the strangest, but most miraculous, ways.

Thank God for NRT and for the fact that the practitioner is helping me realize how much my diet matters to my healing too.

RSDS and NRT help!

October 5, 2010

I just finally did a search on WordPress for blogs about Nutritional Response Testing (NRT). There are quite a few, so if after reading about how it’s helped me with my RSDS/CPRS symptoms, you want to find out more, a simple search on here, or anywhere on the Web will provide plenty of information.

All I know is that NRT has changed my life and when I take the supplements as I’m supposed to I do NOT have any of them!!! All my RSDS symptoms just disappear. Can you imagine how it feels to have that happen without the use of one single pain medicine and to know that I’m actually nurturing and healing my body at the same time? I think of it as a miracle; a miracle I hope someone else will discover; hopefully lots of people. But, if I even help one person with RSDS stop suffering and get their life back without the use of drugs, I’ll have done more than if I hadn’t said a thing here and it’ll feel like I’ve done something truly positive.

RSDS: hair loss

October 5, 2010

I don’t know for certain if it was related or not, but about four months ago I began losing a LOT of hair. I lost more than half of it in about six weeks. I cannot be sure if it was related to the RSDS or not. But, it’s never happened before and I wasn’t under more than normal stress.

The one thing I did differently was that I stopped drinking milk and didn’t replace it with additional calcium supplements. I was away from where my Nutritional Response Testing practitioner was, so he couldn’t check me.

I did research about hair loss then because it was so acute and substantial. That’s when I found out all about RSDS. You see, I’d been avoiding doing my research, despite my symptoms much more than a year and a half. Suddenly I was devastated by the news. That didn’t help the hair loss situation.

I talked to my NRT doctor and he said I needed much more calcium and organic mineral and to take them in the right ratio to one another. For me that’s approximately one “Calcium Lactate” supplement to every 3 “organically bound minerals” pills (both by Standard Process).  He said he couldn’t be sure without seeing me if it was the RSDS or not because even though I’d developed this symptom and one more (burning, on-fire feeling, skin) in just a couple months (slacked off on my regimen), it was impossible to know for sure if the hair loss was RSD related.

Anyway, I took the minerals/calcium as directed and, just like he said it would if it was the problem, my hair stopped falling out about three or so weeks later. Thank God!

Now, it’s all filled in and only the bottom isn’t full again. That’s of course because the new hairs haven’t gotten that long yet.

What if the hair loss and changes related to RSDS are because, like the other symptoms, of a lack of sufficient nutrients that your body needs more of temporarily, in the right dosages, to heal itself of the problems related to the injury? More and more, as I see how much longer I can go without my supplements and how now, sometimes, they go away without the supplements (YES! Isn’t that incredibly awesome?), I am actually HEALING!

NOTE: To learn more about the supplements (all natural, non-hormonal, non-artificial, non-steroidal) that I am taking to support the glands and hormone secretion associated with the symptoms of RSDS, read my other blogs. In them I discuss how they take the all-over pain “patches” as I call them, and the burning skin away entirely.

RSDS: Living Pain Free without any drugs!

October 2, 2010

Here’s what I’m taking to get rid of the symptoms of RSD, aka RSDS or CPRS:

Hypothalamex, by Standard Process, Inc. (for patches of pain throughout body)

Thytrophin PMG, by Standard Process, Inc. (for patches of pain throughout body)

Utrophin PMG by Standard Process, Inc. (for patches of pain throughout body)

Adrenal (Ga) by Systemic Formulas, Bio Function (for patches of pain throughout body)

Organically Bound Minerals by Standard Process, Inc. (for burning skin AND hair loss [my hair actually grew back quickly and just as thick as before])

Calcium Lactate (for burning skin AND hair loss [my hair actually grew back quickly and just as thick as before])

Zypan (for maximum absorption of calcium)

Everyone would have their own specific necessary products and doses. Talk to a Nutritional Response Testing practitioner who is ACT certified (only them) and get pain and drug free while getting rid of the symptoms of your RSDS, CPRS, RSD today! To try it and determine if it works or not will likely cost $200 to $300.

The first hand-full of these that I took got rid of 100% of my Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome within one hour. I take a regimen of these and more every day. I can miss dosages now without the pain coming back. For the first year, approximately, I couldn’t do that. That makes me believe that actual healing is going on. Perhaps I will be cured. I really believe I have come across what will turn out to be a cure, not just remission of this disease for me.

RSDS: What answers do doctors really have?

October 1, 2010

Re: Is there a cure for RSDS? Yes. I’ve either found a cure for RSD, or doctors need to learn from sufferers like me about what helps, figure out why these things work and expand upon the knowledge until there is a definitive cure for RSDS. First though, doctors need to actually be looking for the cure for RSDS. Those of us suffering from its symptoms need to be our own best advocates for finding the cure.


Like they did with Diabetes and many other diseases, Western medicine/American doctors can’t even agree on what diseases are real and what aren’t. It’s interesting that there is skepticism about whether people’s symptoms are real or not. Here’s an idea, if a patient tells you something and then another and another and they’re all talking about a specific set of symptoms, there’s a problem! Wake up.

I am so tired of doctors assuming symptoms are in the heads of their patients. If they’re right and hundreds of thousands (at least) of us with a specific set of similar symptoms collectively worked together to make this up then we’ve got some wild conspiracy going on and way too much time on our hands. I suppose we should all just either go to the “nut house” or “forget” about the pain and it won’t be there anymore.

Can you imagine they actually used to tell people with Diabetes that too? They used to commit people with diseases they didn’t understand, like Diabetes, to insane asylums. Now they tell you they don’t know what’s wrong with you and either give you some awfully destructive pain medicine to “shut you up.” Or, they give you an anti-depressant. Wait a minute, they do both these for RSDS/CPRS! Instead of trying to actually heal it, they “shut us up” and “shut us down” from our families, jobs, one another– we basically become isolated.

Some reach out in touching treatment chronicles from their homes; others suffer in isolation, their souls withering. Where’s the empowerment? Instead of saying there’s NO cure, or even saying there’s no “known” cure, they should be saying to patients, “We know there’s a cure; we just haven’t found it yet.” There’s a cure for everything, somewhere. You either look for it or you don’t.

Anyway, I think that doctors choose not to believe their patients because it’s easier for them. Doctors, like many scientists, study a lot of books and then seem to develop a “God complex.” If they don’t know what it is then your pain couldn’t be real, or at least not based on a physical problem. It’s like saying that because you haven’t seen an alien, life can’t exist anywhere else. Or, it can’t exist because the conditions for life here on Earth are so unique that there’s almost no chance they could exist anywhere else– hence life only exists on our planet. Lovely logic!

First of all, they’re assuming that humans and the life forms that exist on our planet are the only possible types of life forms. How human-centric of us! That’s outrageous. Life is energy and there are many forms that energy can exist in. So, there are many possible places life can exist in another form–like dimensions we’re unaware of. My goodness, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist…whoops, that’s funny.

You know the wind is real because you feel its power and energy. If another form of life came here perhaps we wouldn’t even be able to feel them– much like the way we can’t hear a dog whistle, but dogs certainly can.

Scientists and doctors like to put things–everything– in a box. They’re not the only ones. The rest of us humans do it too. We’re all guilty of forming prejudicial “boxes” that become mind blocks. It gives us a way to view our world. We force fit everything into the box we feel it belongs in, even if we have to twist the truth about it to satisfy the needs of the box.

In college I had a professor of biology who vehemently believed–and we argued about it during my sophomore year– that life couldn’t exist anywhere else but on earth because the probability for favorable conditions elsewhere was much too low. More than fifteen years later his theory seems less likely than mine, according to newer evidence. He wasn’t able to just be at peace with– I wasn’t expecting him to say “Yes, there’s life elsewhere”– the mere IDEA that it WAS possible. He couldn’t wrap his brain around it and leave the door open. That would put into question too many ideas he’d neatly wrapped and placed into the box with it.

This is exactly the mindset that those of us suffering from RSDS, or CPRS have to tolerate every time we talk about our symptoms to doctors. We have to risk that –although they don’t know enough about the body or how it works to know for sure about much– they may or may not believe us. They may put us in the “crazy” box.

Why should I have to care if doctors believe me or not? If I am a sane person with symptoms, then I have what I say I have and it’s their job to just look for a damn cure, right?

We go in and we’re like “guilty” of creating pain with our minds because they lack the necessary information to interpret and deal with the disease and its symptoms. If they don’t know then they banned together and decide nobody could know and no one else can do anything about it, so collectively they’re off the proverbial hook. After all, they’re so much more educated and so much brighter than the rest of us that we’re at their mercy, right?

Wrong! I became skeptical of doctors a long time ago. Now every day I see how they’ve developed into drug pushers and it confirms they are less and less worthy of the title doctor. What the hell have the trillions of research dollars spent over more than a hundred years really cured? Have they even begun trying to find a cure for RSDS? What about all that so-called breast cancer research they’ve been doing and spending millions a year promoting with heart-tugging commercials? It’s a freaking business now. Don’t even get me started on that money-making farse.

Keep this in mind, it isn’t a disease until they can find a way–not to cure it– but to make money off treating it!!!! And, get you sick with something else from the drug they develop for it.

This blog is honest, straight forward and expects that its readers are ready to take charge of their own healing and stop listening to everyone else tell them what they are and are not feeling, what’s wrong and what’s just in their heads. It’s not in your freaking head, but you can stop the symptoms if you free your mind of the gibberish and make a choice to do something that, even if it doesn’t work, won’t do anything but nourish some other part of your body anyway.

If you’re ready to take charge of your own healing– and unlike so many others, I’m not making ONE single penny through or by anything related to this blog– then make a choice to empower yourself and stop saying “there’s no cure” when you have absolutely NO idea whether there’s a cure or not for RSDS. Doctors don’t believe you, I do because I have your symptoms.

It takes thinking outside the box to get a revolutionary idea. It takes ACTING outside the box and expecting positive change to find a miracle! I did and I have, twice.

Try Nutritional Response Testing by an “ACT” certified practitioner (usually chiropractor) near you! Follow their instructions to the letter, even though it will likely seem out of the ordinary and even really odd, strange or crazy. They know what they’re doing. If it doesn’t change your life within a month or two, stop. There are NO side effects. They use whole food vitamins and 100% natural supplements WITHOUT hormones, steroids, artificial ingredients, or anything else “bad” you can possibly imagine. It HEALS your body.

I know my RSDS symptoms are NOT in my head because I take the supplements the NRT practitioner gives me and they dissipate, then they all go away. It happens exactly the way Tylenol works when you take it– you have a headache and then its intensity is reduced from the pills. Then it usually all goes away. If I don’t take enough of the vitamins and supplements, then they come back little by little. When I take more, they all go away. Pretty simple. Pretty straight forward.

RSDS: Question and Answers With A Reader

September 29, 2010

I received this question from someone through YouTube:

1happyhollie (8 hours ago)
What is your supposed cure? Current medical opinion is that there is no cure, but a patient can sometimes go into periods of remission. If you have a way for those of us with crps/rsd to be cured, please share. It is a horrible disease to live with.

Here’s my response to her:

Well, I don’t know if I’ve found the cure, truthfully. I can only say that I have some of the most severe symptoms of RSDS and I am taking a vitamin and supplement regimen that is taking them away completely. The longer I’m on this and staying to a specific diet, the longer in-between doses I can go without having them come back. The supplements compliment the vitamins by giving my glands (hypothalamus, thyroid and adrenal) a break and a chance to heal. The healing is supported by the correct nutrient/vitamin regimen. It’s that simple and it’s saved my life because I felt like killing myself for quite some time as my symptoms intensified and became more frequent.
Honestly, I just may be one of the first, and could, for all I know be the first, to use Nutritional Response Testing (NRT) to help with this. And, since I’ve been studying online marketing at the same time I’m going through all this, I thought perhaps I should tell those who are suffering about my experience. That way if they want to try it to, they can see if it helps them the way it’s helping me. That’s all. The cost to find out if it works would be about $200-$300, based on my experience. But, after feeling like death would be the only way out, I tried this at my chiropractor’s recommendation and the first handful took all my RSDS pain away within an hour–100%!
I’m not making any money and I don’t have shares or stocks in Standard Process vitamins or affiliations that would lead to me making any money off of anyone trying this. I’m simply trying to help because of the miracles this has done to make it so I can work again, full time, and see hope for an RSDS pain free life.
The irony is that I am one of the only people whose injury just may never cure. Doctors usually/always say that if the injury that led to the RSDS isn’t healed then the RSDS cannot go into remission. My RSDS is definitely NOT in remission because the pain will return after a time (hours or a day or so, depending) if I don’t take the vits./supplmts. So, even with an ever-present catalyst that in itself leaves me with a 6-8 pain level in my lower back every day, I still manage to stop the burning skin and the nerve firings that are the RSDS pain “patches” all over my body. That, to me, is a testament to how the regimen manages to help my glands and therefore my parasympathetic.
Try it or don’t, but I would seriously consider it if I were you because I know that I wouldn’t have been alive (suicide) more than likely, had this not come into my life. And, I would’ve given ever single thing I own to anyone who could have done for me what this has. Doctors don’t know much and they just want to give pain medicine. What if this really will work? That’s a question I want everyone suffering like I have and do without this, to ask themselves. And, what would you have to lose?

Working To Calm The Nerves (RSD)

September 29, 2010

The adrenal support (non-steroidal and non-hormonal) that I’m taking as part of using Nutritional Response Testing (NRT) are working with the supplements I’m taking (also non-steroidal and non-hormonal) for my thyroid and hypothalamus to take away the incredible pain that I can get without it throughout my body.

When I don’t take these supplements my nerve endings seem to start randomly firing all over in random “patches.” This is the type of pain that can make you want to not be alive because it feels like you’re being tortured. When I used to try (I have it under control and it comes back more slowly now!) to explain it to my friends and family, and it wasn’t easy, I’d say it was as though someone were taking a million little knives and stabbing me with them randomly all over. The randomness and having so many spots all over “firing” simultaneously is maddening! There are no words to explain it. There were times tears have just fallen from my eyes and I wasn’t even choked up; it was just intense pain.

When the pain begins, or other symptoms like the burning skin begin, now I have supplements and vitamins (because I’m using NRT) that take it all away within an hour! The key, I think, is for me to be better about taking them so I NEVER get the beginning stages!

My research tells me that the pain and burning, and other symptoms I have, are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what is really going wrong in my body. It’s a meltdown of my parasympathetic nervous system in the works when this is occurring and it’s VERY important for me to stop the train before the wreck because the pain the damage may be doing to my body could cause permanent muscle and bone damage.

I think I caught this RSDS, CPRS disease early enough that I can repair most, if not all, of that damage though. I’ll have to keep the pain away though and not let myself feel it at all. Thank God I have NRT and don’t have to take any drugs. What my body doesn’t use (metabolize) it simply discards. It is all natural and made from real food and other things naturally occurring in nature (not artificially derived things, like 99% of vitamins these days), so my body knows exactly what it is, how to use it, and what to do with “leftovers.” That’s the beauty of this system, well, one of the many actually!!!

Now, if some other people with RSD would just try this, we could see about changing people’s perception that this disease is untreatable with nutrition and incurable! I truly believe I am being cured because I can spread out my doses/ go longer between them now, or even miss a couple without ramifications/pain.